Monday, October 31, 2022

Seven Benefits of Leveraging Cloud-native Software Development Services

Today’s businesses are forced to choose between adapting to the new digital landscape and becoming irrelevant. Companies adopting cloud-native software development processes will thrive in this new era. Those who don’t will struggle to keep up with their competitors.

A recent report by RedMonk shows that the adoption of open-source software is rising. This means that cloud-native services are no longer just a trend but a standard for today’s developers. They’re also an essential requirement for most enterprise customers buying software today.

Why? Cloud native applications are inherently more secure, scalable, and cost-effective than traditional software development methods.

Let’s look at the seven benefits of leveraging cloud-native software development services.

Four Trends That Will Transform Your Digital Workspace in Upcoming Years

 Digital transformation is impacting the workspace of organizations across industries and geographies, and the digital workspace is one of them. Even though we are still in the initial stages of adopting digital workspaces, it has already gone through several ups and downs.

This article explains the Four key trends that will transform your digital workspace in upcoming years, with examples from companies that successfully implement these new practices.

All You Need to Know About DevSecOps Managed Services

‍DevSecOps has become a key trend in the DevOps world, with many companies moving towards it to increase security while developing software simultaneously.

This blog post looks closely at DevSecOps and why so many businesses are adopting it now. But before you make any decisions about whether to opt for managed services in your organization, there are some things you need to know first.